Data Science/Analytics involves cleaning, preparation, exploring and predicting based on past data, and ultimately drive decision-making. Here are the few of the projects I have worked on to drive data-driven decision making.
A company (company A) is planning a merger with another company (company B). The CEO of Company A is looking forward to a smooth transition and so after multiple rounds of discussion. They have decided to do audit of the business Infrastructure of Company B. I as the data analyst is called to audit the business and analyze their data for the company to decide if the merger is worth it.

A local food company is looking to expand operations to European Countries. They need to overcome regulatory hurdles such as border rejection, destruction of sub-standard products and so on. Analysis is done on EU Food safety Data

A brewery has recorded data for a duration of three years, analysis is done to aid better decision making in order to maximize profit and reduce loss to the lowest minimum.

Customer Segmentation
You own the mall and want to understand the customers and a way to group them based on purchase behaviour, so that the marketing team can be able to plan and strategize accordingly.
Basic data about the customers such as Customer ID, age, gender, annual income and spending score.
Spending score is assigned to each customer based on defined parameters like customer behavior and purchasing data.
Tools used: Microsoft Excel, Python

Customers allege that it takes quite a long time before their claim is approved, and some were not satisfied with the amount they got. Therefore, a predictive model is needed that can provide the total amount of claim by a customer in seconds. With this insight, Insurance companies can understand the crucial features among the available features that can be used to predict the amount of a claim, thereby creating a fair and unbiased system.